Art is personal. It is cultural. And, it’s a reflection of society, those who create it, and the emotions of those who view it – their passions, their struggles, their hopes and their desires.
As marketers, dealers, collectors and artists, we’ve seen all sides of the equation when it comes to marketing, promoting, creating and selling works of art. That understanding allows us to work successfully with galleries, museums and individual artists to build strategies that gather attention, drive traffic , participation and interest, and establish a desire to own the work.
Branding and marketing are collaborative processes. Our team of talented copywriters, art directors, and strategists relate to everything about the world of art and promoting it. Our services can be comprehensive or a la carte, but the starting point is finding the uniqueness in you, your business, and your audience. Only then can we create the comprehensive strategy that builds your brand – we can burnish it, embellish it, execute on it, and measure it.
Let’s find your essence. Let’s talk.

Branding & Strategy. A brand is an emotion. It’s a gut feeling someone gets when they see, think about or actually use your product or service. In the world of art, the burden on a brand is even higher. What are your targets’ feelings when they think of a particular gallery, auction house, museum or artist? That’s a brand. Our mission, together with you, is to take the positive feelings already out there and mould and refine them into their highest possible form. That’s an art in and of itself.

Digital & SEO. If you build it will they come? Not necessarily. With digital becoming an increasingly vital part of marketing today, particularly in a niche area such as the arts, it is absolutely imperative that we drive the right people to your website and/or web presence. We do it in several ways. Over time, these practices will generate the highest possible listings in organic search engines and help attract organic visitors -- the highest quality traffic on the web.

Public Relations. Nothing establishes credibility more quickly than positive public relations. But positive public relations doesn’t just happen. It has to be developed, nurtured and expanded through the proper channels. In the world of creativity and the arts, positive PR is even more vital: it is a world dominated by influencers, gatekeepers and reviewers. We work with these key constituencies for you, developing an overarching strategy and delivering, both online and off.

Social & Videos. Social media is often misunderstood by most and misused by many. But it should be vitally important in your marketing to the arts community. Social media is all about communities, yet too many marketers use it as simply a broadcast medium -- spouting messages to the world. We help you develop engagement -- a back and forth dialogue between you and your prospects -- with words, pictures and video, and identify and build the appropriate social strategies to optimize that engagement.

Collateral & Promotions. Collateral: “a subordinate or accessory part.” We disagree. We regard it as a vital tool in depicting the value in your brand and ultimately closing the sale. In the arts community, your marketing must not only convey the appropriate message, but reflect the creativity, design and sense of style inherent in your brand. Our discovery, development and understanding of your brand delivers an unparalleled insight into your story, and the best ways to show it and tell it.

Media Planning. The emergence of digital and social media options have dramatically changed Media, underscoring the necessity of integrating your planning so that each particular media platform will buttress and enhance the others. We approach media planning as an art in and of itself -- as a composer would approach a symphony: with a deep understanding of how the whole affects the parts and, likewise, how the parts affect the whole.